Venom Watermelon Sculpture by Valeriano Fatica

Watermelon is not just an edible, tropical/temperate region fruit. It was a handheld gaming console and unbeknownst to us, it was art too. What you see here is the Venom Watermelon Sculpture of the Marvel Comics antihero with part of his host exposed.

Venom Watermelon Sculpture by Valeriano Fatica

The sculpture was created by Valeriano Fatica back in 2018. Valeriano Fatica is an Italian artist who specializes in carving sculptures out of unusual materials which include fruits, vegetables, clay and believe it or not, even cheese.

The Venom Watermelon Sculpture was just one of the many works which also include characters from Game of Thrones and Attack on Titan. Anyhoo, as far as this watermelon Venom bust goes, it reminds me that the color black does make the symbiote more mysterious and menacing.

Can’t imagine this alien parasite running around in watermelon colors. It would be a whole less menacing, doesn’t it? People might want to eat it, especially with the soaring temperatures where anything that cools, is good.

Everything you see was carved out of watermelon – from the teeth to the symbiote’s trademark super long tongue. Even impressive was the eye: it was carved within the same melon. Fatica made use of the color difference between the skin and the flesh of the fruit to create the image of an eye which turns out to be pretty damn life-like. Impressive.

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Go ahead and have a look at the artist weaving his magic over the fruit in the video below. After that, be sure to check out the artist’s other creations on his website as well as his YouTube channel.

Images: Valeriano Fatica.

via Technabob.