if you are impressed with the kinetic art by Chris Burden's Metropolis II and inspired...

Bandai Space Warp 10000 544px
(image credit: Japan Gadgets Shop) Space Warp 10000 | US$155.00 | www.japangadgetshop.com

if you are impressed with the kinetic art by Chris Burden’s Metropolis II and inspired to do the same but don’t know where to begin with, then check out the Space Warp 10000 from the Japanese toy maker, Bandai. well, maybe Space Warp don’t have 1200 die-cast cars and is puny compared to Chris’s art piece but it’s a start, right? based on the original toy in the 80s, the Space Warp 10000 uses kinetic energy to get the marbles going down a roller coaster ride. yes, it’s marbles not cars.
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like any beautiful art piece, the Space Warp 10000 requires assembly before you could seat back and enjoy the hypnotizing effect from the marbles racing through the track. it comes with an illustrated Japanese instructions or you can let your imagination go wild with your own designs – it won’t be easy but being a kinetic artist isn’t easy to start with. set it up, and get it running and you can probably cure your endless insomnia nights by looking at the marbles rolling round and round and round and round…

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