(credit: Xploderz) Xploderz | from US$14.99 | www.xploderz.com
if you think swappable water magazines are cool, wait till you hear this: how about a swappable water magazine that contain water pellets (dubbed as the H2GROW) at your opponent. yeah, that’s right. you can probably call it a paintball and water gun hybrid. the Xploderz guns just took water gun battling a notch up the chart. this revolutionary water gun features a H2O grown magazine that holds up to 70 of those enemy smashing pellets and is capable to reach up to 85 feet. time to arm yourself with the xploderz and blow your competition out of the water.
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currently, three models are available for your choosing, starting from the hand gun style Xblaster 200, compact assault rifle style Xstormer 1000 and finally there’s the rifle style XRanger 2000. needless to say, the XRanger 2000 has the best in range. prices for the Xploderz guns start from $14.99 for the XBlaster 200, $29.99 for the Xploderz XStormer 1000, while the XRanger 2000 cost $39.95 a pop. the Xploderz toy guns and its accessories are available via Amazon.
Xploderz via GeekAlerts