XTable | US$PoR | www.kibisi.com
what do carjack, ironing board and office swivel chair have in common? all three is designed to go up and down as per the user’s desire or requirement. and what’s being left out of this adjustable equation? tables. they ought to be adjustable don’t you think so? mainly due to the fact that not all humans are equal in height and there are times where you might want to use the table while standing up (discussion over blueprints, for example) or sometimes you just want to slouch on your cosy couch while working. regardless of which height you need, the XTable will keep up with your working style. based on the working principle of carjacks and ironing boards, the XTable features a hand crank that users can manually adjust the table to the desired height quickly and easily. no fancy motor or power required. minimalism and functionality is what this table is about. period. fortunately, this is not a concept. it can be bought through KiBiSi but as for the pricing, you will have touch base with them to get an official quote. we suspect it is not going to be cheap, so in case it does cost a bomb then think of it as getting multiple tables for various applications without actually having to own so many tables which most modern office might not have the luxury of space. check out a few more imageries after the break.