(credit: screenshot from YouTube Video)
another fan-made TRON-inspired item. this time round, its the Skatecycle – not the Lightcycle – but you can consider it as miniature Lightcycle look-alike, except that you don’t ride on it but rather, you step on them. being a fan of the movie TRON, Alon Karpman, creator of the Freerider Skatecycle, created this one-off TRON Skatecycle based on his original creation.
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since it’s a one-off thing, the TRON Skatecycle will not see productions and hence, you won’t be able to lay your hands on one. if you are so keen in getting one, the only way is to order the original Freerider Skatecycle from Brooklyn Workshop, and D.I.Y. one yourself. it won’t sounds as crazy, if you are a true blue TRON fan. then again, you have to like the Freerider Skatecycle too.
via Core77