Emily Rothschild USB Locket | US$250.00 | www.emilyrothschild.com
gone are the days where folks (ladies, in particular) used to wear a locket that contain a single precious photo of their love one within. industrial designer Emily Rothschild proposed a 21st century touch to this yesteryear’s practice by sticking a 2-GB USB flash drive within a beautifully crafted locket. unlike its 20th century counterpart, it store not one but hundreds of photos, and even videos and other data. there are three versions altogether: the mini USB locket, USB locket and the medical locket. the latter two versions come are available in two distinct finishes, a 24k satin gold plated finish or black rhodium plated. the USB locket and the medical locket cost $250 each, though no indicative price is set for the mini USB locket. check out a few more look after the break.
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