Parkersburg Art Center Shredded Christmas Tree

After anonymous artist Banksy shocked the art world when his Girl With Red Balloon painting promptly ‘self-destructs’ after being successfully sold in an auction, it inspired a series of memes, along with businesses riding on this act for advertising. It was a shocking act of defiance which I thought will be quickly forgotten. Well, as it turns out, it hasn’t been completely forgotten, at least not by two local artists from West Virginia, U.S.A.

In an exhibition that runs at Parkersburg Art Center in Parkersburg, West Virginia, entitled Artist Trees, local artists reimagined Christmas tree inspired by Banksky’s infamous prank. And yes, it is a Christmas tree, within a frame and shredded. Now, that’s one Christmas tree take I would never have imagined. I wonder what’s Banksy’s take on this? I would totally consider this as a Banksy shredded painting meme… with a holiday season twist.

The installation was created by Kasey Snyder and Kelley Cartwright, and part of the many strange looking Christmas trees on display at Parkersburg Art Center’s Annual Artist Tree Display. Artist Trees challenged local artists to imagine what if famous and not so famous artists would have decorated their Christmas tree. The exhibition runs kicked off on November 24 and will continue on up to December 22, 2018.

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Image: Parkersburg Art Center.

Source: Laughing Squid.