WiiVision Wii Portable Gaming Device

Love your Nintendo Wii so much that wish you could bring it on the road? Unfortunately, we all know it is not possible… or is it? Modders/YouTubers with a thing for building portable consoles, Shank Mods and GmanModz, just made it happen. The two YouTubers teamed up together to make the impossible, possible, i.e. turning an actual Nintendo Wii into a portable gaming device. Yes. You freaking heard that right. A portable Wii gaming device. How cool is that? Wait. Let me answer that for you: outrageously cool!

WiiVision Wii Portable Gaming Device

If being able to play your favorite Wii games with a device clutch in between hands isn’t enough, this device, called WiiVision, also plays GameCube game, plus Virtual Console, WiiWare and homebrew apps. The result is what you see here: a beautiful, fully functional Wii for on-the-go Wii gaming – complete with all the buttons you expect from a modern handheld gaming system, including shoulder buttons, D-pad, thumb stick, built-in speakers and an integrated screen. Man, that’s a beautiful work of (electronic) art. In fact, if you ask me, I’d say its design might just be something Nintendo may have come up with today. The aesthetic is, how do you say? Very Switch-ish.

The WiiVision isn’t the first, though. It is a remake of an old portable Wii project by GmanModz named PiiWii which, unfortunately, melted. Keep going for the video walkthrough of WiiVision.

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Images: YouTube (Shank Mods).

Source: Technabob.