HiSense 55-inch Social TV S7E

I will be truly surprise if this is little talk about new product news. We are talking about the new HiSense 55-inch Social TV S7E. So, yeah, it is TV, but at the same time, it is not just any TV. It is a ‘social TV’ that lets you do six-party video chat, cinema sharing, and 3D avatar karaoke.

There is also AI fitness and it has AI visual recognition and support multi-screen communication and more. Wait, is it still a TV? It sure is, but smarter than smart TV.

“Hisense Social TV with Hi Table system will become the platform of home entertainment and interaction. The features of six-party video chat and cinema sharing will support users to allow real-time chat with family and friends when they are watching TV shows and sports matches together.”

In addition, with 3D avatar karaoke, you can croon in virtual scenarios, including in Tokyo, Paris or just about any place you fancy. By the virtue of 5G technology (how? Don’t ask), you can choose to invite friends to sing online together. It is also your exercise companion too. The TV, presumably leveraging on the built-in camera, is able to guide you on your posture, or something to that effect.

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Finally, there is the AI visual recognition thingy which lets you take selfie simply by asking the TV to do so and with the photo, the TV can analyze your appearance and see how it stack up against a certain pop star. Well, that’s sure sound like the next level of narcissism.

The HiSense Social TV with Hi Table interactive system is a Chinese market-only TV which will sell for 6,499 yuan (or about US$920). Just in case you plan to check it out online, it is worthy to note that, at the time of this post, we are not able to find the TV on HiSense China website.

Image: HiSense.