Pool Punisher Inflatable Pool Toy

Unleash your pent up frustration from to the COVID-19 pandemic this summer with the ultimate pool toy: the Pool Punisher. No. The Pool Punisher has nothing to do with Marvel’s vigilante, Frank Castle. It is a tank… that floats.

Pool Punisher Inflatable Pool Toy

Pool Punisher is an inflatable pool toy in a classic tank design, complete with a functional “cannon” that squirts water. We have seen quite some inflatables for the pool, but this one seem like a lot more fun because, its a tank and it shoots (water).

Though it does feel strange to have a tank floating on a pool. It will be nice to have a battleship instead, like, you know, a Destroyer, perhaps?

Pool Punisher Inflatable Pool Toy

The Pool Punisher is the first-ever inflatable tank that has a water cannon that can squirt water up to 50 feet (15 meters).

The Pool Punisher will be the perfect inflatable pool toy this summer, but it will be even better if you have at least two. Because, it takes two to have fun. Doesn’t it?

Pool Punisher Inflatable Pool Toy

Also, it is only good if you actually have a pool (a big enough pool, to be precise). Actually. Not really. The vinyl material will stand up any kind of water bodies, including rivers, oceans, and lakes.

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There is just one problem… it is available only from Amazon (US$110), but last checked, it is not available. Ugh.

Pool Punisher Inflatable Pool Toy

According to a representative; it is out-of-stock for now and it will be restock very soon. So, if you want one, be sure to keep your eyes peeled on its product page on Amazon.com.

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Images: Pool Punisher.

via Technabob.