(credit: Cleverhands) Journal Bandolier | US$16.95 | cleverhands.wordpress.com
even at this digital age, most of us still rely on the trusty pen and paper combo to jot down meeting notes. or perhaps, it is just me. i, for one, find it hard to jot down important notes digitally even though i have access to digital devices. there is just something about traditional means of writing that draws us to it. that said, i still carry a note book and pen around. yeah, usually, just a single pen. that’s where the problem arise. i tend to lose the pen and also, if you have one huge bag without any compartments (and a whole lot of junks in it), chances are, you won’t find your pen either.
Journal Bandolier by Cleverhands aims to solve the pen and note book separation issue by binding them together. Journal Bandolier is not a note book but it is a handmade band made out of reclaimed rubber that has loops to hold not just one pen, but seven of them. losing pen is one of our favorite pastime, so it’s great that we can bring another six along. it’s an awesome product, plus it is totally affordable. the Journal Bandolier cost $16.95 a pop and are available via Etsy.
Etsy via Cool Material