Anatomic Anna and Andy STEM Dolls

Kids play with dolls, doing things like dolling them up, do their hair, making them go to date with Ken and whatnot. Those things are absolutely normal. What is NOT normal is this: taking out organs from inside the dolls. Wait, what? Is that for real??? Well, almost. It didn’t materialized, but these bizarre take of dolls was an attempt by a mom in UK who thought it was a brilliant idea to give dolls internal organs, in hope that kids can learn about human anatomy.

Anatomic Anna and Andy STEM Dolls

The dolls, harmlessly called Anatomic Anna and Andy STEM Dolls, are not exactly a pretty sight, TBH. I am sure you already noticed that. The premise was a noble one, but in reality, 4-12 years old (which these 18-inch dolls are targeted at) may not be ready to the learn the lesser beauty of a human being yet. Thankfully though, it is all about internal organs only and not genitalia because, if they had, you would have a hard time explaining the functions. I can only imagine the awkwardness.

Anatomic Anna and Andy STEM Dolls

As if facing up to naked bodies with your kids isn’t awkward enough. Now you have to deal with guts too. Fortunately, they have clothes, so Anna and Andy can be play as regular dolls (but strangely, it does not appear to have a ‘cover’ to keep the guts from falling out, except for the clothing). And did we mention that they comes with a full suite of accessories too?

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Anatomic Anna and Andy STEM Dolls

Nope. No skateboard for Andy and neither were there fancy jewelries for Anna. Instead, the accessories are essentially organs, including liver, spleen, heart, kidney and you know, all those stuff that you don’t usually see on daily basis unless you are a doctor or surgeon. The education about human anatomy does not stop at the dolls. They are all over the packaging and each doll comes with an “easy to follow” instructions aptly titled “how to install the organs” that somehow makes a human body feel like a piece of machine like a car or something.

I am guessing Anatomic Anna and Andy STEM Dolls will only appeal to parents who want to their kids to have a head start in the medicine, or parents who are plain morbid. Anatomic Anna and Andy STEM Dolls was on Kickstarter, btw, and if the toy’s crowdfunding endeavor is any indication, it looks the market isn’t ready guts-spilling dolls just yet. In case you are keen, then head on to Little Boffins website to get your registered for future update on these “educational dolls.”

Anatomic Anna and Andy STEM Dolls

Images: Little Boffins.

Source: Creepbay.