(image credit: ASP Technology) Anti Sleep Pilot iPhone App | US$19.99 | www.antisleeppilot.com
remember the Anti Sleep Pilot gadget that we posted last November? in the recent Mobile World Congress, ASP announced the availability of an iPhone app version that works just as it would with the original hardware version. the Anti Sleep Pilot app version makes whole lot sense as the iPhone already possessed sensors like the accelerometer, gyroscope and as well as GPS capability. with these technologies already built into the iPhone, the Anti Sleep Pilot app is able to offer extra features like real time stats on how long you have driven and checking in your position on a map, which also indicates how far you could drive before needing a break. the app has a built in music control, so user can continue to use the app if you happen to be using your iPhone for music at the same time. having a visual display, means driver can tune-in to his development in terms of fatigue level and be aware of when he should have a break.
the Anti Sleep Pilot app is available now on iTune Store at $19.90. it may sounds expensive for an iPhone app but if you really consider the life-saving potential, then it is not expensive at all. besides, it certainly beats having a hockey puck-like gadget sticking on your dash. don’t you think so? non iPhone-user will not be left out in the cold, the Anti Sleep Pilot app will be available for other platforms, including Blackberry and Androids in the coming months.