Autographer Camera | £399.00 |
if you belong to those who needs to record every aspect of your life in picture, i.e. perpetually taking photos, then the Autographer from Oxford-based OMG Life is the perfect gadget for you. so what’s exactly is an Autographer? in its basic form, it is a digital camera equipped with a 5.0-megapixel low light sensor but its long narrow form factor and the lack of essentials that are typical of modern day digital cameras such as large LCD display and dials, indicate that this isn’t your regular camera. packed within its compact form factor is an 8GB internal storage, Bluetooth connectivity to talk to your smartphone (via an app), a wide angle glass lens with 136-DEG field of view, built-in GPS and last but not least, the star feature of the camera: five onboard smart sensors that comprises of ambient light sensor, accelerometer, magnetometer, PIR (passive infrared sensor, used for motion detection), as well as temperature sensor that will eventually be the mastermind of when it will take a snap, automatically. put together, this minimalist and lightweight camera (it weighs just 58 grams or around 2 ounces) will take the chore of spontaneous photography by deciding when is the right moment to click the shutter while you go about your daily life. all you have to do is charge it up and hang it around your neck or clip it on your belt or wherever you desire, and the Autographer will take it from there. sounds simple enough but how exactly it is going to work out is beyond us. nevertheless, it is an interesting concept but one with quite a hefty price tag: the Autographer Camera is expected to be available this November with a price tag of £399 or roughly US$650, based on today’s going rate. undaunted by the price? then head on down to Autographer official website and register your interest.
Autographer via The Verge