Sure. a flamethrower has its appeal, but if you really think about it, it does not quite align with The Boring Company’s core business which happenings to be boring tunnels. But in soon, it will have a new “merch” that will be a little more aligned with what the company is doing. No. It is not going to sell you a tunneling rig. Instead, the man himself has taken to Twitter to announce The Boring Company will be selling “life-size LEGO-like interlocking bricks.” Yup. Bricks will be the company’s next “merch.” Interesting… what’s more interesting is, these bricks will be made from the rock extracted during the drilling operation. So, they are kind of sustainable.
Given the nature of micro blogging, not a lot can be shared by the prolific visionary. We do, however, read that the Boring bricks are “interlocking with a precise surface finish” which will enable two person to build the outer walls of a small house in a matter of couple of days. The bricks use is not restricted to buildings, though. They can be use to build just about any structure you can dream up. Furthermore, these bricks are rated for California seismic loads and bored in the middle, so they are pretty much super strong but not too heavy.
What can we say? At least, the bricks are more useful than a fire spitting tool. No words on the availability, but Musk did they will be on the shelves “soon.”
New Boring Company merch coming soon. Lifesize LEGO-like interlocking bricks made from tunneling rock that you can use to create sculptures & buildings. Rated for California seismic loads, so super strong, but bored in the middle, like an aircraft wing spar, so not heavy.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 26, 2018
Illustration by Mikeshouts.
via Engadget.