(credit: jessyratfink)
i think i need not elaborate too much. this one goes out to all LEGO fans, who in time of need, might just require to don a couple of cufflinks. that said, wouldn’t a pair of LEGO themed cufflinks be the perfect cufflinks of choice? can’t find them in the market? fret not, my LEGO friends cos’ instructables member jessyratfink will show you how to create one or many of these. the quantity and types are limited to what you want and what type of bricks you fancy. of course, they got to make some sense, cos’ it does not make any sense to be using 6×16 plates for cufflinks, doesn’t it? ready to create some LEGO cufflinks? then head on down to jessyratfink’s instructables page and follow her simple five steps instruction and start creating your very own.
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