(credit: Ivan Filipovic)
what do you get when you mash up a boat and a hotel? if you ask Serbian architect Ivan Filipovic, he will tell you ‘Botel’. that’s right, ‘Botel’ is Filipovic’s concept floating hotel that features rooms (or cabins, if you like) that can be undocked and sail away to explore the bay’s vicinity. the ‘Botel’ has a central mobile base with 22 rooms, where the base can be anchored in any calm bay after which individual rooms can set sail to explore the bay open water area at their own pace.
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the individual rooms will be powered by electric motors and photovoltaic panels provide the juice to power them. control over the rooms can be done remotely and GPS unit built-into them ensure that no rooms will be lost. funny. i feel a little strange typing ‘rooms will be lost’ but that’s exactly will happen if no proper monitoring measures are put in place. the hotel itself is designed like any typical hotel which include a lobby, reception area, bar and restaurant surrounded by “a covered outer deck and terrace.” other amenities include swimming pool, nightclub and dance floor.
extra pontoons for facilities such as tennis court or helipad could be moored to ‘Botel’ which individual rooms could also dock to them. hence, fetching your guess to your room couldn’t be easier or perhaps, washing up after a game of tennis is just a minute or less away. awesome. i am sure many would embrace Filipovic’s concept, all is left now is for some entrepreneurial individual or conglomerate to take this up and make it a reality.