(credit: Alexei Mikhailov)
Alexei Mikhailov‘s concept All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), dubbed the TrakRok is everything but conventional. its lean, muscular design looks like a creature that is ready to tear the mud or snow terrain at a moment’s notice. i can’t decide if its a quad bike or is it a snowmobile which makes it a perfect machine by concept cos’ it probably has the best of both worlds. instead of a pair of rear wheels, it has an independent track, much like a snowmobile.
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the track employs segmented rubber track plates and it is powered by high power electric motors that allows the machine to plow across both mud and snow terrains. despite being beast-like, the machine has a gentler side. as any vehicle of the future, this vehicle uses hydrogen fuel cell technology as its source of energy, making it environmentally friendly. makes sense, cos’ it will be doing its worst by terrorizing the nature’s terrains, hence it should therefore do so without further damaging the environment.
the concept also features a hardy but lightweight ribbed exoskeleton that is made out of anodized aluminum, protecting its internal from the nature’s retaliation – stones, snow and all. i am loving it! way to go Alexei!