Custom Look PS4 Pro with Hydro Dipping

The Q, the YouTuber better known for making stuff out of cardboard, recently posted a video of him taking a dip at hydro dipping. For his dipping adventure, he gave his PS4 Pro and the controller a unique new look.

The result is cool, not going to lie, but is it worth the risk to your 500 dollars rig? Probably not. But hey, if you have too much money laying around and willing to take the risk for a look that no other has, I guess you could.

Custom Look PS4 Pro with Hydro Dipping

For those who don’t know, hydro dipping is basically transferring of spray paint to a target subject (in this case, a PS4 Pro and DualShock 4 controller) using water. The process couldn’t be more simpler.

All you need a tank of water and cans of spray paint in the colors of your choice. Spray the paint into the water however you fancy and slowly immerse the object (less the electronics, obviously) the paint-covered water.

Like I have said, the effect looks pretty amazing, well, at least it is on camera. But you have to know that the thickness of the paint will vary. On a serious note, please don’t ruin your precious toys.

If you really want the unique look, go get yourself some skins. Skins will get you the custom look with the boon of being able to switch the look after you are bored with it. I mean, surely you can’t do that with paint, can you?

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Here’s the video of the entire hydro dipping process:

Images: YouTube (The Q).