(photos: DISSIDENT) DISSIDENT Leather Wallet | 3,500 RUB | www.thedissident.ru
we used to go gaga over designer leather goods but soon, after a while we come to the realization that despite their priciness, some of them lacks individual styles. which is needless to say, not our kind of style. sadly, men have little to play around when it comes individualist style and within that little room for play, wallets stand out as one of the critical aspect that speaks a lot about its user and as such we think this DISSIDENT Leather Wallet that should fit the bill for an individual’s ego-conscious, self-indulging, style statement. so what’s makes the DISSIDENT so special? it is a minimalist leather billfold that is crafted out from one solid piece of 2.5 mm thick leather and is totally void of stitches and fancy hardware. not only is the overall design minimalist, even the way your bills and cards are kept together are kept simple – all you have to do is load it up with your bills and cards, fold it up and you are all set. unfortunately, getting your hands on one could be a little trickier, unless you resides somewhere near Tsvetnoy Central Market, Moscow. the DISSIDENT Leather Wallet cost 3,500 RUB or about US$118, based on the current going rate.