According to medical experts, the human ear is self-cleaning. This means it does not need any human intervention. However, if you insist because the wax build is fast and blocks your ear canal, then you will want to do it safely. This is where EarBuddy comes in.
EarBuddy replaces single-use cotton swabs so you will have less to contribute to the landfill and it lets you remove nasty wax, or dirt from your ear safely. EarBuddy – not to be confused with a similarly named ear cleaning gadget – is made of a soft flexible silicone material and features a patented, inflatable cleaning technology that lets you remove wax, dirt, water, grime et cetera gently and safely.
While it has a smaller tip that allows easy access without the risk of jamming wax and whatever further into the ear canal, it has a design that will not allow over-insertion that may harm your delicate eardrum. Using it is easy too. All you have to do is to insert EarBuddy in your ear, inflate and pull out to remove what is in there.
It can be reused daily and easily cleaned with soap and water. The tip is detachable and recyclable when it is time to ditch it. TBH, I am not convinced about how effective it is since the video did actually show it pulling anything out from the model’s ear. Neither were there photos or diagrams of how it works. So, yeah, I am kind of skeptical here. But it is not for me to judge.
You can be your judge by learning more about EarBuddy Inflatable Ear Wax Remover over at Kickstarter where it is having a crowdfunding. The campaign has already met its funding goal.
If you are convinced, you may join over 3,500 folks who have contributed more than US$110,000 in funding by pledging a twin pack for €18 or more (around US$20 or more).
Images: Kickstarter (Earbuddy).