Ecocapsule Portable House

Fancy living off-the-grid while not sacrificing creature comforts provided by modern amenities? It can be done with the help of generator, but that requires fuel which, at some point, you will have to get it topped and that’s not to mention the fumes it will be putting out into the otherwise tranquil environment. With the Ecocapsule, it has the off-the-grid-while-not-sacrificing-creature-comfort matter addressed. It is a low-energy, portable house built for two and is powered in its entirety by solar and wind power. The portable house’s spherical shape is optimized to collect and store rainwater and has built-in water filters allow you to make use of the water. The dual power system, i.e. solar and wind turbine, allows for maximum energy harvesting, while high-capacity battery keeps excess energy stored for times of reduced solar or wind activity.

Ecocapsule Portable House

On the inside, it is designed to be a home away from home with all the basic amenities you can expect of a mobile home, including a flushing toilet and hot shower facility, a kitchenette with running water, a folding bed, internal flexible storage, as well as a working and dining place. Ecocapsule is totally transportable. Its 4.45 m long by 2.55 m wide and 2.25 m tall body (14.6 x 8.4 x 7.4 in feet) allows it to be fitted into a standard shipping container and being just 1,500 kg (3,306 lbs), this means it can be easily shipped, airlifted, towed or even pulled by a pack of animals to virtually anywhere in the world. The Ecocapsule Portable House is due for launch later this year.

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The working prototype has been done and the Slovakia firm behind it, Nice Architects, is already busy prepping for the production. Expect pre-order to kick off sometime around the announcement with delivery projected to be in the “first half of 2016.” As for the price, it is yet to be confirmed.

Ecocapsule Portable House

Ecocapsule Portable House

Ecocapsule Portable House

Ecocapsule Portable House

Ecocapsule Portable House

Ecocapsule Portable House

Ecocapsule Portable House

Ecocapsule via werd.