Everybody loves a game of foosball, but not everyone has the means of acquiring one. Buying the table is no biggie, but on top of the purchase, there’s with the shipping and handling which is going to hurt your wallet real bad. Plus, at this age and day, it makes no sense to buy something you can’t bring along and share with your friends.
The solution? Well, you can either go for the folding foosball tables or this: Flat Pack Cardboard Foosball Table aka Kartoni Box Kicker 2.0. As the product name implies, it is the foosball table you love, but it comes flat packed like IKEA’s furniture and can be quickly put together without glue, screws or tools.
In other word, it kind of surpasses Ikea’s ingenuity. Perhaps most importantly, it cost a fraction of the wooden behemoth. Since it is made of cardboard, it is also lightweight, tipping the scale at less than 20 lbs (9 kg). This means it won’t weight you down with ridiculous shipping cost and on top off that, you can flat pack it down and bring it to your bud’s pad or wherever whenever you wish.
Though the product name pretty much sells itself, but the Flat Pack Cardboard Foosball Table actually has more to offer; it comes complete with score sliders, four beer holders and it even has a passive amplifier for your smartphone (by replacing one of the beer holder, that is) – just in case you need a little jam in your foosball sessions.
There is just one thing to note though. it is made of cardboard, which means solvent of any nature is its greatest enemy and you ought to be gentle when handling booze around it cos’ i am sure no one wants to dampen the joyous occasion, right? If anyone’s interested, the Flat Pack Cardboard Foosball Table is available through Firebox for $137.19.