While we know kind of know that tofu have always been a staple in Japanese cuisine, we never knew it would come to this: Gundam Hyaku Shiki Tofu. Gundam Hyaku Shiki Tofu from Sagamiya Foods ain’t no gunpla.
For one, it isn’t plastic and secondly, it is actual tofu, aka bean curd, aka food. So, yes, Gundam Hyaku Shiki Tofu is tofu (duh!) in the shape of, well, Hyaku Shiki or at least head portion.
Also it is not just the usual bean curd white. This edible Hyaku Shiki also comes with special “beam coating,” but it won’t stop you from chomping it down, let alone protect it from laser, missiles and such.
The “beam coating” is by the way of a curry sauce with edible gold power mix that you will need to “paint” (the instructions literally as you to paint it with a brush, btw) on it to recreate the “beam coating.”
I guess you could say Sagamiya Foods is faithful to the traditional of gunpla. Granted that most gunpla these days do not required painting.
I am not sure if Japanese curry sauce goes well with tofu, but if you really want to know, you can find out in a taste test by Casey Baseel of SoraNews24.
Apparently, Gundam Hyaku Shiki Tofu is not the first. Sagamiya Foods has previously release tofu version of Zaku as well as Z’Gok. How lovely. Hyaku Shiki Tofu can be found in Japan at grocery and convenience stores as well as from online retailer Rakuten, priced at 321 yen (or about US$3).
Images: Sagamiya Foods.
Source: SoraNews24.