Gyroscopic Public Transportation Concept by Dahir Insaat

The public transportation we know today is hardly futuristic. At least is not as what many sci-fi movies and novels described it to be. Flying cars? Nope. People zipping from point A to point B in tubes? Nope. Teleportation? Not a chance, if you don’t wish to end up with arms as your lower limbs. Clearly, the future is not what some futurists have envisioned it to be. Hyperloop, if realized, will be the most advanced and futuristic public transportation mankind so far. We are mostly limited by technology, but that won’t stop some from dreaming up audacious concepts and the Gyroscopic Public Transportation by Dahir Insaat is one such bold concept.

Like China’s failed Straddling Bus, Insaat’s disk-shaped public transportation is designed to travel alongside existing traffic, straddling high above them. The difference is, instead of having road users passing through a what-seems-like-a-moving tunnel which can intimidating to other road users, the Gyroscopic Public Transportation occupies only a narrow portion of the road. To be exact, it only need very strip between roads. Also, unlike traditional rails, it needs no space occupying structure; all it needs a special fortified strips that slip in between roads. And because of the tiny space required, it can even go above pedestrians, along broad walks.

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Thanks to the science of gyroscope, Gyroscopic Public Transportation large cabin will be able to maintain an upright position while traveling on two slim slits on wheels. Insaat bold idea is not new at all. Interestingly, the idea of gyrocar dates back to 1914 when Russian count Pyotr Petrovich Shilovsky demonstrated a two-wheeler that uses such technology. After Shilovsky’s ambitious endeavor, several gyro-based concepts were built, but as you may have guessed it, they didn’t quite make the safety standards as motors of that time weren’t as sophisticated and they failed. When the motors failed, the gyro stopped working and the vehicle toppled to its side. Clearly, not exactly a transport one would be thrilled to be on.

Anywho, with advanced technology in the area of electric motors, batteries and gyroscope available today, Dahir Insaat thought it is time to revisit this bold automotive concept and hence the proposition. Insaat’s proposition is bound to draw skepticisms, but sometimes it is necessary to think out-of-the-box, however audacious it may be, in order for mankind to progress. At the end of the day, it is a concept. Whether or not the future will see such mode of transportation depends on how many Elon Musk we have in the world. In the mean time, keep going for a video to learn more about Dahir Insaat’s proposed Gyroscopic Public Transportation.

Images: Dahir Insaat.

Animated GIFs and source: designboom.