Home Aquaponics Kit | from US$50.00 | www.backtotheroots.com
always wanted a keep a pet fish or two but too intimated by the cleaning chore? the Home Aquaponics Kit is here to solve that woe (the cleaning part, that is) while giving you a little ‘bonus’ that you could savor, literally. the Aquaponics is both a self-cleaning fish tank and a hydroponics (yes, those veggies that feeds on water and not soil) and hence, adopters get the best of both worlds (assuming you love fishes and greens): you get to keep tiny pet fishes without ever needing to clean the tank and you get to consume the fruit of your labor which are whatever vegetables that you have planted. the best part is, you don’t even need to do much – all you have to do is just add water, well and fish food and that’s it. so what makes the system ticks? simple. the kit comprises of two parts: a tank and a garden top (food and pet safe, if we might add). your little aquatic friend (or friends) dwells in the tank and your choice of greens grow in the supplied pots with pebbles on the garden top. the fish’s (or fishes) wastes are broken down by beneficial bacteria into nutrients where the included air pump (which also oxygenates the water) pushes it (the nutrients) topside to the plants. the plants suck it all in, leaving behind the clean water that falls back into the tank. and the cycle goes on, till your greens are ready for consumption. perfect for organic food lover and fish lover as well as a good resource for educating the young ones. as for us, we think it makes one heck of interior decor object. the Home Aquaponics Kit is currently on Kickstarter and you can get yours for a pledge of $50 or more, though expect a pretty lengthy wait till shipment which is estimated to be on February 2013. a pledge video follows after the break.