the market is certainly not lacking of handy multi-tools, so we are not going to say which one is better than the other, instead, we just want to judge by the look and The Knuckler Multi-Tool happens to be one that we thought looks pretty awesome. this almost circular device boasts over 10 functionalities, from Hex wrenches in both metric and imperial measurements to seatbelt/hook cutter to the obligatory bottle opener – all contained in a tiny 2.5 x 2.5 inches form. standing out from the horde of multi-tools are additional two types of openers: a can opener and a twist cap opener, designed specifically for “some types of beer”, which qualifies this as a survival tool.
there is also a handy wire stripper, a scraper, a 1.5″ (or 3.5 cm) ruler, and even a protractor giving you 180-degree of measurement in 15-degree increments. the latter is not a common occurrence in multi-tool, but thanks to The Knuckler’s circular design, it is able to incorporate on into it. finally, it comes with two keychain hole as standard, so you have the freedom of choice on how you like to hang this little guy to your keychain. not that it matters, but you know, it is always good to have alternatives. as you might have already guessed, The Knuckler Multi-Tool is yet another Kickstarter project and it has since surpassed it initial funding goal of 5k, therefore, by backing this campaign, you are essentially pre-ordering a piece of this little wonder.
speaking of backing, all it takes is 16 bucks and it is yours. however, that’s the early backer’s perk, but still, if that runs out, it will only cost you $19. if you have a little more cash to spare, we suggest you opt for the 27 dollars pledge level, which comes with a uber cool laser engraved wooden display box, and if you have even more dough to drop, there’s a three-in-one multi-tool package for your taking, which for $69 or more, will get you a Knuckler, Parachute and a Bottle Board multi-tools, along with the super cool wooden box.