Lomography BELAIR X 6-12 Camera | from US$249.00 | www.lomography.com
we bet you didn’t think there’s anymore innovation in analog camera, do you? to be honest, we thought the same too but the king of modern day analog cameras, Lomography has proved us wrong with the BELAIR X 6-12, a new medium-format camera that captures 6×12 (hence, the namesake) sweet panoramic photos, 6×6 square, as well as 6×9 format photos. available in three designs: City Slicker – a sleek all-black camera, Jetsetter – a silver metal camera with brown leather coat and Globetrotter, also sporting a cool metal body wrapped in snake-style patterned leather. highlights of the camera include a fold-out bellows system that collapses the camera for ease of storage and transportation, automatic shutter settings, interchangeable lens system, high quality lenses as crafted by an experience optics team, hot-shoe for flash attachment, bulb setting for long or multiple exposures and an ISO range from 50 up to 1,600. the BELAIR X 6-12 cameras are up for pre-order with a special price of $174.30 (regular: $249) for the City Slicker, $209.30 (regular: $299) for the Jetsetter, and $244.30 (regular: $349) for the Globetrotter model. hit the jump for a few larger views or click HERE to learn more about the new Lomography BELAIR X 6-12.