(credit: M.C. Langer)
recently, i’m kind of into this thing called Terrarium. naturally, M.C. Langer instructable on how to create a robo-planter attracts my attention 100%. if you are into desktop gardening, so to speak, you might as well make your desktop garden stand out with unique, one-of-the-kind look planters. brown plastic planters are so passe, don’t you agree? in fact, this series of robo-planters are not the first from M.C. Langer. he had earlier posted instructions on making a rare planters re-using home junk but i thought the latest robo-planters look way cooler. check out some images of Langer’s creations after the break. for this new series of robo-planters, Langer used junks ranging from toilet floats, damaged kitchen aiders, sausage cans et cetera this beautiful planters. time to add some greeneries among your sea of shiny gadgets.
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via Instructables