MAX Motor Dreams Baby Cot by Ford Motor Company

Let me see. This news came up on April 6, so the MAX Motor Dreams Baby Cot you see here is not an April Fools prank. The thing is, it is not a creation of some startup nor is it a product of a baby care company. It is in fact a product by Ford. Yes. An automaker. Apparently, some new parents resort to driving the baby in attempt to coax them to sleep and hence, Ford thought it will be nice to have a cot that simulates a moving car, complete with motion, engine noise and even passing street lighting, so parents get baby off to sleep at night without actually going on drive. To be honest, this has to be the first time I am hearing this theory, but hey, who am I to doubt this, right?

MAX Motor Dreams Baby Cot by Ford Motor Company

The most brilliant part? You can actually record the night drive on a smartphone app and reproduce the entire journey’s experience, including the movement, lights and sounds, with the cot. Now, for the good and bad news. The bad news is, MAX Motor Dreams Baby Cot is a one-off pilot designed for Ford of Spain campaign by WPP’s GTB agency in collaboration with Ogilvy and Mather, and this means it is not for sale, BUT. Following the reveal of this unique cot, Ford have had “numerous enquiries” and the company is considering making it a real thing you can buy.

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Before that happens, you can have a shot in getting one by trying any car in the MAX range of Ford and getting yourself in a raffle. But that, of course, requires you to be in Spain.

MAX Motor Dreams Baby Cot by Ford Motor Company

MAX Motor Dreams Baby Cot by Ford Motor Company

All images courtesy of Ford Motor Company.