MightyCarma Aura Smart Dock
you don't need the law to tell you that using your smartphone while driving is extremely dangerous, but if you really must, then you really should consider getting yourself the Aura Smart Dock by MightyCarma. what this 'smart dock' does is, it gives your Android smartphone a place to rest and a wireless remote that works

you don’t need the law to tell you that using your smartphone while driving is extremely dangerous, but if you really must, then you really should consider getting yourself the Aura Smart Dock by MightyCarma. what this ‘smart dock’ does is, it gives your Android smartphone a place to rest and a wireless remote that works in conjunction with an app, allowing you to get directions from Google Maps, texting, take and make calls, and wait for this, shoot a video or snap stills of the road ahead of you, or capture a selfie of yourself driving. seriously, i have no idea why would anyone want to do the latter, but still, it sounds like a lot of fun in the process of being practical.

the hardware and software rides on the benefits Google Now brings about, from which you can use voice commands to do just about anything and the Aura Smart Dock just made it even more convenient by letting you access to those functionality (through a dedicated app) at a touch of a button, or maybe two. it can even be configured to read out text messages, so you can keep your eyes on the road while listening to the message that you can’t wait to read. however, the real kicker is, the Aura works in car with or without Bluetooth, and it automatically charges your handset so that you know your device will always be juiced when you need to get out of the car.

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the 4-button wireless remote is the key to your handsfree, keep-your-eyes-on-the-road discipline. when not used, it can be stored in the cradle at the base of the smart dock and can be magnetically mounted to the location most convenient to you, such as the steering wheel, or perhaps, next to the audio head unit. you can get the MightyCarma Aura Smart Dock from the product’s Kickstarter page for $69 and up. see the Aura Smart Dock in action in the pitch video below.