Modulos Customizable and Modular Table

Table. The one furniture that almost always outgrown our needs. What happen when this happen is, we have to buy a new one. There are many reasons to why a simple piece of furniture, such as a table, becomes dated. It gets old and deteriorate in quality, it does not accommodate the new gadgets you own, or it won’t fit the new corner you want to move it to – just to name a few. While the rest of the world learn to live with this inevitable, a Croatian company, who call themselves Modulos Desk LLC, is determined not to. Their first product of the same name (i.e. Modulos) is a super customizable desk – thanks to modularity it is built upon.

Modulos Customizable and Modular Table

Given the modularity, it also happens to make it a high-tech piece of furniture that will fit the needs of today’s gadget-using users and adapt to new technology as they grow. Unlike regular desks, Modulos’ table top is composed of pieces of square (or sometimes, quadrant) solid wood which gives you the freedom of growing or shrinking the table, custom the form to fit a particular space. There are many high-tech desks that boasts add-ons like device docks, USB hubs et cetera. Modulos do to, but the difference is, while those desks get stuck with old technology as they are being replaced as technology advances (case-in-point: USB Type-C vs USB Type-A), Modulos won’t.

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Modulos Customizable and Modular Table

It is modular, new modules with latest technology will be introduced as and when they become available which you can then swap out module with dated tech or tech you don’t need with the newer tech. Looking at what Modulos has to offer, we have no doubt it is the desk for today and the future, but the only thing that’s hampering its popularity is pricing. You see, Modulos does not come cheap. The early bird perk on Kickstarter for a single module plus a set of four short legs already commands $179 and it can run up to as much $1,349 for a 10-module set with legs.

And mind you, the pricing does not include the high-tech bits, although some of them does include one cabling hole or an iPad/iPhone dock. Having said that, the pricing there is probably the main cause of a slow response on Kickstarter. It did, however, made the set funding goal and so, your pledge is a pre-order which will fulfill as soon as November 2017. One more thing though. The campaign is on its last leg (it has 11 days or so left) and therefore, if you want one, do make sure you make your pledge soon. Keep reading for the product pitch video.

Modulos Customizable and Modular Table

Modulos Customizable and Modular Table

Modulos Customizable and Modular Table

Images courtesy of Modulos.

Submitted via TIP US Page.