Attention horror fanatics who have a thing for killer dolls! Your chance to add the latest darling of killer dolls, M3GAN, to your collection of screen-accurate killer dolls is here. If you don’t already know, M3GAN stands for Model 3 Generative Android and it is the key protagonist in the 2022 horror flick.
In the film, M3GAN is an artificially intelligent doll that gains awareness and is ready to kill anyone who comes between her and her companion. Thankfully though, the M3GAN 1:1 Replica Life-size M3GAN Doll isn’t imbued with AI; its resemblance is limited to the appearance.
The uncanny resemblance to the movie’s doll was made possible through the duplication of actual film-used digital files. And yes, it is a 1:1 replica of the evil robot doll, and it towers over 4 feet (about 55 inches or 1.4 meters) tall.
At this size and given its screen-accurate look, I suggest not displaying it in locations that will scare the shit out of you – lest you forgot her presence, such as in the closet, behind doors, or right in front of the hall that will greet you when you enter your home.
It will not move on its own, obviously (phew!) but it is fully posable – thanks to an articulated inner armature. If having posability isn’t creepy enough for you, you’d be glad to know it has movable eyes and she possesses a full lock of synthetic hair – also matched to screen-used hair samples.
Naturally, her getup is also screen-accurate. If that’s not enough, the clothing is made from film-used patterns and includes a dress with inner lining, two striped sleeves, a bowtie, underwear, tights, and shoes.
Oh, did we mention that the fabric material of the dress matches an exact swatch of the dress from the movie, and get this: her shoes are customized with details from the screen-used shoes?
If you are sold, well then you may consider pre-ordering the NECA M3GAN 1:1 Replica Life-size M3GAN Doll from NECA for a grand US$494.99.
Images: NECA.