(credit: Analogue Interactive) Analogue Interactive Neo Geo Consolized MVS | US$649.00 | www.analogueinteractive.com
still fondly remember the Neo Geo gaming consoles from SNK in the 1990s? want to relive those Neo Geo days? well, you are in luck. Analogue Interactive has resurrected the Neo Geo in the form of the Neo Geo Consolized MVS. the first thing you will notice is the gorgeous, seamless 100% real walnut wood enclosure instead of the usual plastic and metal construction. it even has a wooden working dust flaps to keep the dust out of your cartridge dock.
the Consolized MVS is compatible with both high definition and standard definition TV sets, thanks to its variety of high quality video outputs, namely, pure RGB, component, S-video as well as composite. it also offers gamer with true stereo sound and its dual joystick ports are compatible with any Neo Geo joystick or controller that you can find. time to start digging your garage and attic for your long lost Neo Geo controllers and be ready to relive your Neo Geo days. oh before that, you might like to know the Neo Geo Consolized MVS carries a price tag of $649 and shipping starts in May 2011.