Garmin Dash Cam

Garmin Dash Cam

without dash cams, we wouldn’t have witnessed the meteorite splattering over the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia last year. i mean who would have a camcorder always on standby to capture such an incident? probably no one. anyway, the moral of the story is this:

The Polaroid Socialmatic Camera

The Polaroid Socialmatic Camera

today’s context of instant gratification is more than just instant print photography; we, like most connected earthlings, have the compulsive urge to share, and this is where The Polaroid Socialmatic Camera is going to fill the void as left by the traditional instant camera and digital camera.

Kyte&Key Wearable USB Cable

Kyte&Key Wearable USB Cable

ever find yourself forgetting your USB cable needed for charging your smartphone more often than not? if the answer is ‘yes’ and you happen to be a bracelet guy (or gal), you might want to check out the Kyte&Key Wearable USB Cable (officially, known as ‘Cabelet’).

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