we can't think of any reason why someone would want to combine synthesizer with class arcade game controller but in case you do, the Pianocade is just the rig for you. unlike its namesake, it is not exactly a piano per say but it is a synthesizer and MIDI controller made famous around the same period as arcade had (in 80s). fashioned after the classic arcade game controller, complete...

Pianocade | from US$250.00 | pianocade.com

we can’t think of any reason why someone would want to combine synthesizer with class arcade game controller but in case you do, the Pianocade is just the rig for you. unlike its namesake, it is not exactly a piano per say but it is a synthesizer and MIDI controller made famous around the same period as arcade had (in 80s). fashioned after the classic arcade game controller, complete with authentic arcade buttons and joystick, the Pianocade features 128-note range, a 5W internal speaker, a quarter inch amplified headphone jack, a quarter inch line out, MIDI in/out and through, as well as USB MIDI. choose between one or two octaves, or if you have the hands of an electronic wizard, you can pick up the electronics on its own and craft your very own Pianocade. to be honest, we are not a huge fan of electronic beeps of the 80s but still, we can’t resist the beauty of the look and sound of it, and if you as me, i certainly don’t mind having one sitting around my pad for some nostalgic, experimental noise making. you can get your own Pianocade for just $250 for the one octave model or $325 for the two octaves model. as for the electronics-only, it goes for just 100 bucks.

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Pianocade via Uncrate