Is Pokémon still a thing now? Yes? Ok, good, then I am guessing Pokémon fans will be digging these super cute Pokémon-inspired Cupcakes by Singapore-based One Third Pastries. “Pokémon-inspired” sure aren’t new and you probably see more of them of late – thanks to the resurgence of its popularity brought about by Niantic’s Pokémon Go augmented reality mobile game. However, One Third Pastries up the ante with the designs which are so down right adorable that you probably won’t bear to eat them. Most of the Pokémon-inspired pastries are 2D, but OTP’s are 3D, well, like really, really 3D. Just take a look for yourself. Surely not your homemade varieties.
These Pokémon-inspired Cupcakes are sold in a box of twelve, featuring Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Clefairy, Dragonite, Machop, Pysduck, Slowpoke, Diglett, Horsea, and Flareon. Don’t ask why Vaporean is not in there, but interested buyers can request for other Pokémon. Obviously, these cupcakes are limited to Singapore residents and also, they are not cheap. A box of 12 will run you back at 78 SGD, which works out to be around US$57.
Image: One Third Pastries.