if you are fond of RPG (role playing game) then chances are, you will love those games related miniatures and even if you are not a gamer, these miniatures are equally appealing and very much collectible. hey, it's miniature and who doesn't love scaled down stuff? for just $15, you could kickstart your Miniatures Bones collection but you might want...

Reaper Miniatures Bones Figures
Reaper Miniatures Bones | from US$15.00 | www.reapermini.com

if you are fond of RPG (role playing game) then chances are, you will love those games related miniatures and even if you are not a gamer, these miniatures are equally appealing and very much collectible. hey, it’s miniature and who doesn’t love scaled down stuff? for just $15, you could kickstart your Miniatures Bones collection but you might want to dig deeper and shell out more ($100 to be exact) for the Vampire Level which will get you up to 182 of the plastic minis. the amazing thing about this project on Kickstarter is, the Vampire Level pledger’s reward increases once each set goal is reached. so as more pledges roll in, the wider smile Vampire Level pledgers have. clever marketing? i guess – if the current total pledge of $1.4 million is anything to go by. anyway, the figures come unpainted and ready for you to unleash your artistic talent. according to Reapers, their minis require no primer at all and if you put down another $18, you can also order a set of 12 paints to get your Mini painting career started. additionally, there are a myriad of options to add on to your pledge such as the aforementioned paint set, display cases and more figures. i have just spent like more than half hours going through Reapers’ kickstarter pledge and to be honest, i was a little too overwhelmed by the information. the page is almost like a game itself. no kidding. hit the jump for a simple but pretty cool pledge video.

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Kickstarter via Boing Boing