if you often find yourself dumping your SD or microSD cards into the washing machine or subjecting it to unnecessary stress, then then Samsung Plus Extreme Speed Series SD and MicroSD...

Samsung Plus Extreme Speed Series Memory Cards
(photos: Samsung) Samsung Plus Extreme Speed Series Memory Cards | from US$29.99 | www.samsung.com

if you often find yourself dumping your SD or microSD cards into the washing machine or subjecting it to unnecessary stress (like sitting on it, for example), then the Samsung Plus Extreme Speed Series SD and MicroSD cards are just what you need. both the SD and MicroSD cards are of Class 10 speed, which means they offer up to 24MB/s and 21MB/s of read and write speed, respectively. however, speed is not all what these cards have, they are totally capable of surviving up to 24 hours in water, withstand rolling over by a 1.6 ton vehicle, and stand up to 10,000 gauss of magnetic force – assuring you that your data will remain safe regardless of what abuse you have accidentally unleashed upon them. all of the abovementioned qualities come in a surprisingly sleek brushed metal design, which will make you want to take your memory cards out of your devices more often than necessary. then again, it wouldn’t hurt us a bit to have memory cards looking this good, does it? the Samsung Plus Extreme Speed Series SD & MicroSD Cards are available in 8GB and 16GB capacities, and expect them to set you back at $29.99 and $54.99, respectively.

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via Android and Me