Sikorsky RAIDER X Coaxial Helicopter

This is not the Sikorsky SB>1 DEFIANT nor is it the Sikorsky S-97 Raider. It is the Sikorsky RAIDER X Coaxial Helicopter and yet another showcase of Sikorsky’s coaxial technology.

It is being developed for the U.S. Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft-Competitive Prototype (FARA-CP) procurement. Billed as the “future of vertical lift,” speed and maneuverability is the name of the game of the Sikorsky RAIDER X Coaxial Helicopter.

Sikorsky RAIDER X Coaxial Helicopter

Like the aforementioned helicopters, it has coaxial rotors and a rear-facing prop which allows it to pull off pretty crazy maneuvers, including dive on target, high turn rate, level body acceleration, precise low speed handling, and nose high and nose low hover.

It is capable of over 205 knots with prop engaged which makes it sound like a fixed wing aircraft zooming pass. That said, the prop does increases its acoustic signature.

Sikorsky RAIDER X Coaxial Helicopter

With the prop disengaged, or as Sikorsky refers to as “Helicopter Mode”, it makes over 150 knots and makes a less ding in the sky.

Whether or not you are in agreement with military hardware development, you gotta admit that the RAIDER X was kind of a major development in the vertical lift domain.

You can have a look at the Sikorsky RAIDER X Coaxial Helicopter in action in the video embedded below.

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Images: Lockheed Martin.

Source: Defense Blog.