the name Spaceport signified that the future is here. well… almost. if you haven’t heard… as oppose to a ‘port in the Space’, Spaceport is actually a hub where future Spacecrafts will gather and take off into the Space. Virgin Galactic has completed the runway to its first commercial spaceport. named “Spaceport America”. located in New Mexico, the 2-mile long runway is built to support any form of spacecraft currently in existence–a short compatibility list. seriously, there aren’t many spacecraft to date.
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In addition to the runway, the terminal hangar facility is nearly completed. The building will be able to house up to five spacecraft and two guiding planes. with each passing moments, the reality of commercial space flight is fast becoming a reality. though i may not be able to afford the price tag for the flight to zero-gravity, i’m still thrilled. really. i am.
via Digital Trends.