You can’t call yourself a super fan of Godzilla if you are not a fan of its worthy nemesis Mechagodzilla which has probably helped to get more than a few geeks into the Gojira fandom. Speaking of fandom.. if you are a fan 50-meter (164-foot) mechanical dino-like robot that shoots missiles from its fingers and toes and lasers from its eyes and chest, then this clear version collectible is a must-have.

The Super7 Toho Super Cyborg Mechagodzilla (Clear) is the Mechagodzilla you know and love but presented in a see-through plastic shell, allowing you to admire its internals (which it does not have a lot, btw, but still cool). If that’s not enough, it has five removable panels that will let you have an even clearer look at the inner workings of the arms, legs, and torso.
The figure is 11 inches (28 cm) tall and boasts nine points of articulation that include a hinged jaw and Cross Attack Beam laser chest panel. It does not have a lot of articulations to speak of but so does the 70s cinema version, and it is still a worthy nemesis to our favorite radioactive beast.

If you are down, the Super7 Toho Super Cyborg Mechagodzilla (Clear) can be had now from for US$125 a pop.

Images: Super7.