The Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder

Computer hardware personalization has gone beyond cool PC cases with dazzling lighting, keyboards with custom keycaps, and desk-size graphic mouse pads. It has gone, well, decorative. It has evolved to display the ware when not in use. It is not only about displaying your favorite keyboard like collectibles and toys; you can now display your favorite keycaps too. Yes, really!

The Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder

That’s right. Displaying keycaps like some collectibles or desktop souvenirs. And it is not just any keycap holder/stand; this specific model is Lord of the Rings themed, which is perfect for your prized LOTR keycaps. Folks, meet the Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder.

There are two styles available, namely, Barad-dûr: The Dark Tower and The Wraith Circle – both of which are the perfect representations of the sinister, black, volcanic plain in Middle-earth. And mind you though. The duo is not merely a sculpture that props up a single keycap and the keycap does not sit there; each of the Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder is a battery-powered, light-up keycap holder.

The Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder

The Dark Tower keycap is a miniature fortress of Barad-dûr complete with a 1u slot, a tactile Cherry MX Blue Switch for that satisfying click, and a spot for the ever-watchful Eye that’s just waiting to be filled. And then there is the eerie The Wraith Circle where a circle of Ringwraiths bathed in blue energy guards another 1u slot atop a tactile Cherry MX Blue switch.

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I did not make those products sound cool, btw. They are cool as hell, though admittedly rather frivolous. But man, wouldn’t any LOTR fans want the Dark Tower on their desk, am I right? And if you do, you may pre-order the Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder on for US$69 a pop.

The Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder
The Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder
The Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder
The Lord Of The Rings Mordor Keycap Holder

Images: Drop.