This is Azuki, a super adorable Japanese hedgehog who has a following larger on Instagram than some so-called “social media influencers” and for obvious reasons. He is incredibly cute. He is usually seen dressed up as a rabbit, chilling out in cosy comforter or in his miniature house, and just being cute without needing to put in any effort. If you are not a fan already, a few of his recent photos are sure to set your heart fluttering. In his recent photoshoot, Azuki the Hedgehog was seen venturing out of his comfort zone and into the wild. Packing his bag, he went on an adventure in the wild, doing things that humans would normally do when out in the great outdoors. You know, things like kayaking, camping in a tent, and collecting firewood with a cute trolley.
As you can imagine, the sights of a super cute Japanese hedgehog chilling next to the lake, having a picnic, and BBQ-ing are surely going to make you go awwww… so cute and they are. Don’t believe? Just have a look at some of the images below and when you are done, may we suggest you hit up Hedgehog Azuki Instagram page for more super cute photos.
Images: Hedgehog Azuki.
via Lost At E Minor.