In the animated movie from 1986, Transformers: The Movie, many fan-favorite characters, including Ironhide, Optimus Prime, and more were killed. Thankfully, the other courageous leader, Ultra Magnus, did not. He was just blown apart. Now you can recreate the scene of Ultra Magnus in pieces with the new Transformers Studio Series Commander The Transformers: The Movie 86-21 Ultra Magnus figure.
The new Studio Series Ultra Magnus is not only toon-accurate – specifically Transformers: The Movie-accurate; the transformation is directly inspired by the cartoon which is completed in 43 steps from robot to semi trailer mode. Speaking of transformation, unlike the Kingdom Ultra Magnus, this new Ultra Magnus toy transforms as one piece which means there is no separating out the trailer to form the armor separately.
In other words, it transforms like the Masterpiece MP-22 Ultra Magnus. In addition to a huge amount of movie-inspired details, the figure is also supplied with movie-inspired accessories, including 4 blasters, 7 blast effects, and a Matrix of Leadership which can fit inside the figure’s chest. In alt mode, the trailer is able to hold Deluxe Class figures (separately) – apparently on both levels of the trailer.
As mentioned, this newest Transformers: The Movie Studio Series figure can be taken apart to recreate the aftermath after Ultra Magnus was blown to pieces by Galvatron’s soldiers (top photo). The new Transformers Studio Series Commander The Transformers: The Movie 86-21 Ultra Magnus is as the product name suggests, a commander-class figure and towers at an impressive 9.5 inches (24 cm) tall. It is supplied with a removable backdrop featuring the Battle of Autobot City scene.
The new Studio Series 86 Ultra Magnus figure is set to drop on November 01, 2023. Meanwhile, you may secure a copy by pre-ordering it from for US$89.99. Recommended for ages 8 and up.
Images: Hasbro.