(credit: Twelve South) Twelve South BookBook for iPhone | US$59.99 | www.twelvesouth.com
perhaps using your smartphone to make payment isn’t for you but that shouldn’t stop you from combining a wallet with your smartphone. in fact, there are some upsides to the latter, like keeping your phone functionality while still capable of ‘dispensing’ cash, flashing your ID, or swiping your debit/credit cards and still have room to stash some receipts. doing all this while looking stylishly cool. no, we are not talking about some new technology but we are referring to the new Twelve South BookBook for iPhone – it is an all-in-one vintage case for your iPhone 4 and it has slots for essentials such as your debit/credit cards, bills and even a window for your ID. perfect companion for any clubbing night. now that’s just one less thing to forget to bring out with you, or forgetting both things all at once. well, it depends on how you look at it. doesn’t it? check out a short product video and a few more images after the break.
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SOURCE: Twelve South