as small as today’s USB flash drives are, they are still pretty cumbersome if you want to slip the USB flash drive into a bag still attached to your laptop. and even if you don’t have the habit of keeping your laptop with a USB flash drive on, still, a rectangular thumb-size object sticking out of an otherwise sleek laptop is never a welcome sight – not if the Ultra Compact USB Flash Drive from Elecom can help it. this fingernail size USB flash is one that you can might actually keep it plugged when stowing your laptop into your bag (or almost nearly; depending on tolerance of the laptop pocket/compartment of your bag). and if you are a MacBook user, the silver-like finish goes seamless (well, almost) with your aluminum Apple laptop too. fingernail-size and silver-style finish – we really can’t see what’s not to love about this cute little drive. available in 16GB and 32GB capacities, the Ultra Compact USB Flash Drive can be yours for $58.91 and $91.04 for the 16GB and 32GB models, respectively.
as small as today's USB flash drives are, they are still pretty cumbersome if you want to slip the USB flash drive into a bag still attached to your laptop. and even if you don't have the habit of keeping your laptop with a USB flash drive on, still, a rectangular thumb-size object sticking out of an otherwise sleek laptop is never a welcome sight - not if the Ultra Compact USB Flash...