(credit: Umbra) Umbra Tape Deck Cards | US$5.00 | www.umbra.com
you know the playing cards? the 52 pieces of hard-paper (or plastic) that has brought much fun to any gathering? right, there is nothing spectacular about them, until you see the Umbra Tape Deck Cards. yes, it is your ordinary playing card deck but masquerade as cassette tape, complete with the cassette tape case. two things that caught my attention here: first off, it looks uncannily like a real cassette tape and second, instead of your usual standard spades, hearts, queens, kings graphics, it has them in sketched graphics style. very stylish indeed. it will probably make you smile looking at the cards, even when you are on a losing streak. or maybe not. i was just saying… anyway, it cost just $5 a deck and comes in three colors: blue, smoke or red. another look at the Umbra Tape Deck Cards after the break.
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