What To Consider When Upgrading Your Hardware

Technology is constantly being improved upon itself to fit the evolving tastes and demands of the consumer market. This trend has been occurring throughout history and stems in modern culture with the development of the personal computer. Since then, wireless and mobile networks have been created, allowing us to use digital devices to transfer information and data from almost anywhere in the world.

It seems that every year some new tech is announced that revolutionizes, or at least makes us judge whether we should upgrade our devices or not. 5G and Windows 11 are two extensions of this idea and should be evaluated accurately to determine whether an upgrade is necessary.

Upgrade to Windows 11

What To Consider When Upgrading Your Hardware
Image credit: Pixabay (PabitraKaity).

Windows 11 is the newest Microsoft update, expected to come to windows-run computers during the last quarter of 2021. The Windows 11 update overhauls the user interface of any device running Windows 10, allowing for more simplified and streamlined access to information, programs, and files. Windows 11 also adds new functionality with Android phones, working similarly to Apple’s cross-compatibility of each of its devices.

The new update will also include graphical improvements on Microsoft Game Pass PC-compatible Xbox games and a new widget management system.

It’s important to keep in mind that you probably won’t need a new device to update Windows 11. Suppose your current computer currently runs Windows 10 and has at least four gigabytes of RAM, 64 gigabytes of storage, and a one gigahertz 64-bit processor. In that case, you should be able to update to Windows 11.

Increase Insurance Cover

If your computer doesn’t meet these hardware requirements, you should look at newer hardware running the Windows operating system. The current information about the Windows 11 update hasn’t brought up anything about security or damage protection. Whenever you purchase an expensive computer or laptop, you would be wise to purchase computer or laptop insurance to mitigate your risk should the hardware be stolen or damaged as a result of flood, fire or other mishap.

You should first consider how you will be using your computer before purchasing a compatible device with Windows 11. Different computers have different price ranges which is typically down to the cost of internal parts. If you choose to build your own computer, you have the ability to upgrade your graphics card, ram, internal storage, processing power etc.

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Furthermore, individuals who use their computers for gaming or video editing use the highest quality graphics cards and have high ram. The Windows 11 update caters to gamers through its improved Xbox Game Pass experience. Video editors can restructure their windows for quick swapping and are able to transfer information from a laptop to a home PC with greater efficiency.

Lastly, individuals who don’t meet the spec requirements but are looking for a more casual computing experience should look to less expensive, lower spec laptops when upgrading their device.

Ready for 5G

What To Consider When Upgrading Your Hardware
Image credit: Pixabay (mohamed_hassan).

5G, also known as the fifth-generation broadband technology, was released worldwide in 2019. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of misinformation spread about the purpose of 5G and how it impacts new and current devices.

5G, being the fifth-generation mobile network, is an extension of the technology used in 2009 when 4G was released. 5G improves data peak speeds, internet-based information load times, and overall mobile performance. 5G also gives users a very low latency, more excellent coverage and availability, and better reliability.

One essential improvement that 5G networks cater to is the future and current development of IoT, the internet of things technology. Therefore, IoT technology compatibility is expected to be the most crucial feature of 5G broadband.

The efficient connection of smart devices to the 5G grid brings exciting and new opportunities into the medical, engineering, and music production fields.

5G speeds can reach up to 300 GHz, which is about 50 times greater than the maximum frequency for a 4G connection. This means that 5G devices have a much greater download speed.

Smartphones are built explicitly with components that allow them to connect to a 5G grid, which means that you will need to purchase a new phone to upgrade from 4G to 5G.

The differences between a 4G connection and a 5G connection are well-documented. In broader terms, 5G-connected phones connect and operate with web-based information much quicker than their 4G counterparts.

Keep in mind that 4G networks still operate on 5G devices and that 5G isn’t a strict replacement for 4G technology.


Both Windows 11 and 5G networks are likely to see improvements and updates within the upcoming years. It is expected that newer devices will utilize both technologies more efficiently. However, that shouldn’t stop you from purchasing a new product as all major companies try to retain maximum functionality for older devices – as long as those devices meet the technical capabilities required.

Featured image: Pixabay (mohamed_hassan).