(credit: thinkgeek) Super 3DBoy iPhone Game System | US$79.99 | www.thinkgeek.com
iPhone 4 embodies many quality but it is a shame that 3D isn’t one of them, until now. instead of shelling out top dollars for a Nintendo 3DS, perhaps you could turn your iPhone 4 into 3D gaming device. sounds far-fetch? well, not so if you have the Super 3DBoy iPhone Game System. with the iPhone 4 slotted on the back of this gadget, you will be enjoying high resolution 3D gaming (with compatible games, of course) on your iPhone 4. the downside is, you will have the whole contraption stuck to your head and manipulate your game by tilting your head (if it’s an accelerometer-based game). that’s something i will not do in the public. looks kinda of silly. in any case, besides accelerometer control, the Super 3DBoy also sports three action buttons for fire, accelerations or other game features.
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currently, there are dozens of compatible games on the AppStore, including the our angry avian hero, Angry Birds. these games are special, as the games are designed to have a split in the middle. combining the split screen game interface with the Super 3DBoy will result in a real 3D experience. some of the Super 3DBoy-compatible games include Let’s Golf 3D, Real Racing 3D, Rainbow Six 3D, among the many others. the Super 3DBoy iPhone Game System retails for $79.99 and is available at ThinkGeek.